Looking Across Loch Lomond


Looking Across Loch Lomond Scotland. Rocks leading out from Milarrochy Bay into Loch Lomond and towards the village of Luss and the mountains behind on the west coast.

EXIF Metadata 
Location :-Milarrochy Bay into Loch Lomond
How to get here :-  North on the East coast of Loch Lomond.
GPS position :-56°05'42.4"N 4°33'23.9"W
Google Maps :- 3CWV+28 Milarrochy, Glasgow
Where to park :-Carpark on the Lochside 
What to shoot :-View across Loch Lomond
When to shoot :-Day time carpark is gated
Camera :-Canon 1Ds III
Lens :-Canon EF 24-105mm f4 IS USM @ 24mm
ISO :- 100
"f" stop :- f16
Shutter Speed :-  4 sec
Tripod :-Manfrotto 190 Carbon Fibre 4 Section Tripod
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