Forth Rail Bridge


Forth Rail Bridge Fast rail connection between North & South Queensferry. Albert Hotel in the foreground

EXIF Metadata 
Location :-Battery Road, North Queensferry
How to get here :- By car North side of the Firth of Forth
GPS position :-56°00'32.3"N 3°23'39.7"W
Google Maps :-2J54+H7 Inverkeithing
Where to park :-Carpark  (56°0'27" N 3°23'43" W)
What to shoot :-Rail bridge & both road bridges
When to shoot :- Various
Camera :-Canon 1Ds III
Lens :-Samyang 24mm tilt shift lens 
ISO :- 100
"f" stop :-Possible f8 (Manual lens no data recorded)
Shutter Speed :- 1/180 sec
Tripod :-N/A (Handheld)
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